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Focus and Scope
- dissemination and exchange of knowledge among researchers on human adaptation in high latitude environments of Siberia, the Far East and Far North
- exchange of research information, clinical experience, current trends and the recent developments in the field of medical sciences as well as to review interesting cases encountered by colleagues all over the world
- information about the latest worldwide achievements in different fields of medical sciences
The most important tasks of the journal are:
- to encourage scientists to publish their research results
- to offer a forum for active discussion on topics of major interest
- to invite the most prominent Russian and foreign authors to share their latest research findings with cancer research community
- to promote the exchange of research information, clinical experience, current trends and the recent developments in the field of oncology as well as to review interesting cases encountered by colleagues all over the world
- to expand the editorial board and reviewers with the involvement of well-known Russian and foreign experts
- to provide open access to full text articles
- to include the journal into the international database
- to increase the journal’s impact factor
- to promote the journal to the International and Russian markets