The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 1 / 2015 / 55-59

Application of transthoracic biopsy to diagnosis verification in patients with tumors in lungs, pleura, chest wall

Author Affiliations


The objective of the study was the evaluation of transthoracic needle biopsy efficiency at tumors of the chest wall, lung, pleura, mediastinum. Materials and methods: the transthoracic needle biopsy has been carried out under control of computed tomography in 64 patients (42 men, 16 women). All procedures were performed under local anesthesia and in all cases material was obtained for pathologic study. Results: The diagnosis was verified in 61 patients (95,3%). Complications occurred in 7 patients and were not life-threatening nature. 24 patients were operated after diagnosis adjustment.

Key words

chest wall tumor diagnosis, chest wall tumor, pulmonary tumor, pleural tumor, transthoracic biopsy
About Authors (Correspondence):

Kudryavtsev A.S. – thoracic surgeon, oncologist of department of radiotherapy, e-mail:

Anikeeva O.Yu. – candidate of medical sciences, the head of department of radiotherapy, assistant of department of oncology, e-mail:

Drobyazgin E.A. – doctor of medical sciences, professor of department of hospital and children’s surgery, thoracic surgeon, endoscopist of department of thoracic surgery, leading researcher of center of oncology and radiosurgery, e-mail:

Polovnikov E.S. – candidate of medical sciences, head of center of oncology and radiosurgery, assistant of department of oncology, e-mail:

Chikinev Yu.V. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of department of hospital and children’s surgery, thoracic surgeon of department of thoracic surgery, e-mail:

Full Text

Received: 17/02/2015