The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 5 / 2014 / 48-52

Development of epileptic seizures in patients with cerebrovascular disease

Author Affiliations


The comprehensive survey of 102 patients aged 18 years to 78 years with newly developed different types of seizures in adulthood has been carried out in order to clarify the risk factors of epilepsy developed in adults and their frequencies. The survey was conducted in the neurological department of the Republican Hospital N 1. Instrumental tests were performed in the interictal period. It has been shown that cerebrovascular pathology is one of the major risk factors for epilepsy in adults. The secondary generalized seizures prevail in patients with SD developed on a background of ischemic brain lesions especially in people underwent stroke. Association of the time of clinical manifestation of EP (seizures) was revealed at acute vascular accident with a subtype of stroke.

Key words

encephalopathy, stroke, risk factors, epilepsy
About Authors (Correspondence):

Doronin B.M. – doctor of medial sciences, professor, head of the department of neurology, e-mail:

Mongush Kh.D. – candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher, e-mail:

Ondar A.B. – researcher, e-mail:

Chylbak-ool R.Ch. – candidate of medical sciences, senior researcher, e-mail

Full Text

Received: 08/02/2015