The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 6 / 2016 / 99-102

Adolescent girls’ sexual development peculiarities in the conditions of different antropogenic load

Author Affiliations


We studied the features of adolescents’ pubertal development, living in the city areas with different anthropogenic load. We studied the degree of the development of the secondary sexual characteristics; the analysis of the main sizes of the pelvic bones was carried out, we made the assessment of the menstrual function. Irregularities of the reproductive system formation are more common in the adolescent girls living in the industrial area of the city: it represents the development delay of secondary sexual characteristics in the age group of 14–15 years old, the tendency of the cross-narrowed pelvis.

Key words

anthropogenic load, adolescent girls, pubertal development
About Authors (Correspondence):

Belyaeva A.V. – assistant of the chair of general hygiene and ecology, e-mail:

Slivina L.P. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the chair, e-mail:

Latyshevskaya N.I. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the chair, e-mail:

Davydenko L.A. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, head of the chair, e-mail:

Shestopalova E.L. – candidate of medical sciences, assistant of the chair of general hygiene and ecology, e-mail:

Received: 27/12/2016