The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 6 / 2012 / 55-59

Modern technologies for informational and analytical eval-uation of activity and forecast of spatial distribution of ixodid ticks by the example of Irkutsk city

Author Affiliations


The materials on the importance of design of modern systems of evaluation of current state and prediction of future spread of invertebrate vectors of human vector-borne diseases are discussed. For effective monitoring it is advisable to design and produce the geoinformational technologies those will be available for all interested persons. At the fist stage of technology development for the early detection of known and new pathogens it has been suggested to create the unified platform that would unite the massive of data and the analytical tools. The implementation of the idea is based on the development of WEB, GIS and OLAP technologies. The resulting models and forecasts will form the basis for environmental safety of population and will help to make informed management decisions for prevention of infectious diseases.

Key words

geoinformational technologies, Ixodic ticks, informational and analytical evaluation, monitoring, pathogenic microorganisms, forecast
About Authors (Correspondence):

Ruzhnikov G.M. – candidate of technical sciences, deputy director, e-mail:

Danchinova G.A. – doctor of biological sciences, head of the laboratory of transmissible infections, e-mail:

Fedorov R.K. – candidate of technical sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory of integration systems, e-mail:

Khasnatinov M.A. – candidate of biological sciences, leading researcher of the laboratory of transmissive infections, e-mail:

Paramonov V.V. – candidate of technical science, researcher of the laboratory of integration systems, e-mail:

Lyapunov A.V. – candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory of transmissible infections, e-mail:

Full Text

Received: 10/02/2015