The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 3 / 2012 / 68-76

Condition of the immunity and peroxidation system – antioxidant defense in progressing chronic obstructive lung disease

Author Affiliations


The correlations between the lipid peroxidation system indices, antioxidant defense indices, and immunity indices among 46 men and 14 women with chronic catarrhal non-obstructive bronchitis and chronic obstructive lung disease of the I–II stage have been analyzed. The process of formation of the infl ammatory reaction in chronic catarrhal non-obstructive bronchitis and chronic obstructive lung disease of the I–II stage declares itself in lipid peroxidation amplifi cation and suppression of the cellular component of immune system. The prevalence of the proliferative infl ammatory stage, caused by the abrupt increase of the transforming growth factor level, β (TFG-β), which results in irreversible bronchitis obstruction, was revealed.

Key words

immune status, lipid peroxidation, chronic infl ammatory reaction, chronic obstructive lung disease
About Authors (Correspondence):

Gvozdenko T.A. – doctor of medical sciences, director, e-mail:

Borshchev P.V. – post-graduate student, e-mail:

Ivanov E.M. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, chief researcher of the laboratory of rehabilitation treatment, e-mail:

Danilchuk D.V. – physician clinic allergist-immunologist, e-mail:

Veremchuk L.V. – doctor of biological sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory of medical ecology, e-mail:

Full Text

Received: 10/02/2015