The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 1 / 2013 / 5-9

The variants of neoplastic proliferation in initially phenotypic different experimental lymphosarcomas

Author Affiliations


The effects of polychemotherapy (PCT) on the tumor tissue in transplanted tumors RLS and RLS40 manifested a phenotype of resistance to cytotoxic therapy have been investigated in the study. After the 3-course of polychemotherapy exposure to tumors RLS the level of gene expression increased: for mdr1b – in 1.8 times, for bcl-2 – in 1.3 times; after the exposure to tumor RLS40 the gene expression indices increased more significantly. The volume density of apoptosis in RLS40 remained unchanged after polychemotherapy but in RLS the number of apoptosis increased from course to course. The 4th courses of polychemotherapy realization was accompanied with the increase in expression of proliferation marker Ki-67 in tumor cells RLS, that testified to the intensification of proliferative regime in tumor which supported the neoplasm increases against the background of apoptosis active processes in it.

Key words

apoptosis, multidrug resistance, polychemotherapy, resistant lymphosarcoma, gene expression
About Authors (Correspondence):

Voronina E.I. – postgraduate student of the chair for pathological anatomy, e-mail:

Sen,kova A.V. – candidate of medical sciences, researcher of the laboratory for nucleonic acids,

Ageeva T.A. – doctor of medical sciences, professor of the chair for pathological anatomy, e-mail:

Zenkova M.A. – doctor of biological sciences, professor, head of the laboratory for nucleonic acids,


Full Text

Received: 11/02/2015