The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 5 / 2013 / 10-17

Anatomic and functional muscular mechanisms of a voice path’s forming at pronouncing of authentic vowels of the siberian tatar language according to the magnetic resonance tomography

Author Affiliations


For the first time the features of anatomic and functional “muscles” mechanisms of vocal adjustments of authentic vowels of the Siberian Tatar language «i», «ø» and «ȯ», absent in Slavic and Romance languages are described. The research is carried out according to a magnetic resonance tomography of the high resolution (on the high field MR-scanner) data. It has allowed visualizing anatomic and functional features of formation of the voice path at pronouncing vowels by carrier (speaker) of the Siberian Tatar language. The stereotypic and distinctive moments of work of muscles of a face, neck (forward surface) and throats are revealed. Stereotypic it is possible to recognize installations of muscles of the throat, and muscles responsible for installation of a radix of language (hypoglossal bone) and mandibula bone. Differences are revealed in work of muscles of lips (sounds «ø» and «ȯ» against a sound «i»), body of language and the soft palatinum (distinction in all investigated vowel sounds). Researches are executed within the limits of the project of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science «Comparative researches of articulation acoustic bases of authentic peoples of Siberia by methods of a high field magnetic resonance tomography, digital R-graphy and larhyngoscopy of the high resolution».

Key words

MRI-laryngoscopy, vocal adjustments, voice path, magnetic resonance tomography, muscles of a throat, oral cavities and face
About Authors (Correspondence):

Letyagin A.Yu. – doctor of medical sciences, head of the department for functional lymphology, leading researcher, е-mail:

Ganenko Yu.A. – postgraduate student

Urtegeshev N.S. – candidate of philological sciences, senior researcher

Full Text

Received: 09/02/2015