The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 4 / 2014 / 25-29

Investigation of hypothermia delayed influence on rats hemostatic system parameters

Author Affiliations


The aim was to study the delayed effect of hypothermia on the parameters of hemostasis systems. The investigations were carried out on 20 (laboratory) rats. Hypothermia was simulated by placing the animals in a cooling camera at temperature of –25 °С. The blood of 10 rats placed in the camera at temperature of 22 °С served as a control. The rates of coagulatory and thrombocytic hemostasis as well as anticoagulative and fibrinolytic plasma activity were investigated in all the animals. The obtained results prove the development of activation of coagulation against the background of inhibition of the fibrinolytic system in experimental animals in 24 hours after interrupting of the exposure.

Key words

hemostasis, hypothermia, rats
About Authors (Correspondence):

Lycheva N.A. – lecturer of department of normal physiology, junior researcher, e-mail

Shakhmatov I.I. – doctor of medical sciences, professor of the department of normal physiology, senior researcher, e-mail:

Kiselev V.I. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of RAMS, head of the department of normal physiology , chief researcher, e-mail:

Vdovin V.M. – candidate of medical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of normal physiology, senior researcher, e-mail:


Full Text

Received: 09/02/2015