The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 5 / 2016 / 76-82

Structural changes in cell populations of the liver under hepatotoxicity

Author Affiliations


The results of complex clinical pathological and ultrastructural studies of the liver with toxic damage (exposure to opiates, under the conditions of program polychemotherapy in hemoblastoses, with immunosuppressive therapy of chronic glomerulonephritis) have been presented. Macrovesicular lipid infiltration of hepatocytes, intrahepatic cholestasis, centrilobular necrosis, central (metabolic) and perisinusoidal fibrosis are the universal structural markers of hepatotoxic effects. Intracellular reorganization of hepatocytes included hyperplasia of agranular cytoplasmic network associated with the reduction of the protein-synthesizing organelles, as well as the destruction and compensatory hyperplasia of the mitochondrial compartment. New ultrastructural phenomena of hepatotoxicity were obtained, which can be attributed to the compensatory-adaptive reactions of hepatocytes: the interaction of smooth and granular cytoplasmic networks aimed at enhancing the metabolism of xenobiotics, «autonomy» of hepatocytes with increasing surface area of cytolemma providing parenchymal-sinusoidal exchange under perisinusoidal fibrosis.

Key words

hematological malignancies, HCV- and HBV-infection, liver biopsy and autopsy, drugs, addiction, renal disease
About Authors (Correspondence):

Nepomnyashchikh D.L. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, e-mail:

Received: 08/11/2016