The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 1 / 2012 / 58-66

Oxidative stress as nonspecific pathogenetic link of reproductive disorders (systematic review)

Author Affiliations


The analysis of national and foreign literature for the last few years as well as the results obtained by the Scientific Centre for Problems of Family Health and Human Reproduction SВ RAMS clearly indicate that oxidative stress accompanies and / or is a key pathogenetic link in the development of many types of reproductive disorders. On the basis of this fact it seems appropriate that further researches of the roles of the “lipid peroxidation – antioxidant protection” system are essential. Moreover, there is a good reason for antioxidants complex administration with regard to the oxidative imbalance nature.

Key words

antioxidant protection, oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, reproductive disorders
About Authors (Correspondence):

Kolesnikova L.I. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of RAMS, director, e-mail:

Grebenkina L.A. – candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory for reproduction phаtоphysiology, e-mail:

Darenskaya M.A. – candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher of the laboratory for reproduction phаtоphysiology, e-mail:

Vlasov B.Ya. – doctor of medical sciences, professor, senior researcher of the laboratory for reproduction phаtоphysiology, e-mail:

Full Text

Received: 10/02/2015