The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 1 / 2012 / 107-116

Lymphology in Siberia. People and problems

Author Affiliations


Three stages and two leading scientific centers — Tomsk and Novosibirsk can be noticeable in the history of lymphology in Siberia. At the first stage (the end of XIX – the first half of XX cc.) the Tomsk morphologists (A.S. Dogel, G.M. Iosifov, D.A. Zhdanov, and their followers) dominated due to obtaining the new data on lymphatic system structure and functions. The second Novosibirsk stage has been characterized by receiving the pioneer findings on lymphatic system participation in the realization of basic pathological processes in animals (investigations of K.V. Romanovky, Yu.I. Borodin with collaborators — the second half of XX c.). The third stage (the end of XX – beginning of XXI cc.) has been connected with the establishment of the Novosibirsk Research Institute for Clinical and Experimental Lymphology (directors: Yu.I. Borodin, V.I. Konenkov) in Siberian Branch of RAMS. For the first time the medico–biologists and clinicians of diverse profiles gathered together under the certain institute’s roof. This has made it possible to shift from the experimental lymphology to clinical, preventive, and environmental lymphology with the implementation of different kinds of lymphotropic therapy, sorbent, and cellular technologies into scientific investigations and medical practice. It has allowed to propose the lymphosanitation conception on the basis of drainage–disintoxication function of the triple synergistic homeostatic systems responsible for organism protective structure.

Key words

lymphodetoxication, lymphology, lymphosanitation, protective system
About Authors (Correspondence):

Borodin Yu.I. – professor, academician of RAMS, chief researcher, e-mail:

Full Text

Received: 10/02/2015