The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 2 / 2012 / 15-22

Integration homeostatic systems rats in adaptation by high fat load

Author Affiliations


The research studies the character of the intra- and intersystem interaction of the lipid transport system, antioxidant system, pro-oxidant system and immune system of the rats under the adaptation for high fat load. It was revealed that the necessary property of adaptation to the alimentary stressors is an increase of strength of the intra and intersystem integration of homeostatic systems, that is an evidence of organism functioning under the down to the limit strain.

Key words

adaptation, high-fat load, intersystem interactions
About Authors (Correspondence):

Karaman Yu.K. – candidate of biological sciences, senior researcher worker of the laboratory of biomedicine researches, e-mail:

Full Text

Received: 10/02/2015