The Siberian Scientific Medical Journal
№ 4 / 2013 / 23-29

Estimation of the effect of proangiogenic factors on the proliferative and migration activities of the endothelial cell of line ЕА.Ну926

Author Affiliations


The influence of growth factors and cytokines on the proliferation and migration of human endothelial cells (EC) of line EA.Hy926 was studied. It has been shown, that erythropoietin (Epo) and conditioned medium (СM) of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) enriched with bone marrow cells by mobilizing due to the introduction of G-CSF from patients with chronic heart failure, increased cell proliferation of EA.Hy926. The EA.Hy926 cell migration activity increased under the influence of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-a), and erythropoietin (Epo). The findings testify to the motivation for the use of cytokines and factors produced by MNCs mobilized from the bone marrow by the introduction of G-CSF to stimulate neoangiogenesis.

Key words

migration,, proliferation,, growth factors, endothelial cells
About Authors (Correspondence):

Lykov A.P. – candidate of medical sciences, leading researcher laboratory of limphotropic therapy and limpodiagnostic, e-mail:

Poveshchenko O.V. – candidate of medical sciences, head of the laboratory of limphotropic therapy and limpodiagnostic, e-mail:

Bondarenko N.A. – postgraduate student laboratory of limphotropic therapy and limpodiagnostic, e-mail:

Poveshchenko A.F. – doctor of medical sciences, head of the laboratory of physiology of the protective system, e-mail:

Kim I.I. – researcher laboratory of limphotropic therapy and limpodiagnostic, e-mail:

Miller T.V. – postgraduate student laboratory of physiology of protective system, e-mail:

Pokushalov E.A. – doctor of medical sciences, vice-director, e-mail:

Romanov A.B. – candidate of medical sciences, surgeon of the centre of surgically arrythmology, e-mail:

Konenkov V.I. – doctor of medical sciences, academician of RAMS, director, e-mail:

Full Text

Received: 02/02/2015